Monday, December 26, 2005

Autism: The Mystery

Autism: The Mystery

Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterised by abnormal social interaction, communication ability, interest patterns, and behavior patterns. Autism is found to occur due to the vulnerability to environmental triggers displayed by the human genes. Seven major genes have been identified to be related to autism. One child in every thousand in the Untied States is found to suffer from this disorder.
Autism results from the abnormal bilogical and neurochemical developmant of the brain. Any treatment of to the disorder must involve neurological evaluation. Autism is generally diagnosed on the basis of certain psychiatric criteria or physical tests. The ymptoms of autism begin to appear before the age of three in a child. Autistic children exhibit delays in interacting with people through conversation or imaginative action.
There are a large number of cases where autistic chidren have improved their social skills and integrated into the normal world, attending school and taking part in social events. However, there is also the worry that autism is incurable. That’s because autism is caused by certain aspects of the brain structure that’s determined early in brain development. Only committed effort on the part of teachers and parents in training autistic children can help them to live normal lives.
Autism cure or, more effectively autism prevention, depends to some extent in an autism diet. Autism diet is generally a gluten-free, casein-free diet. Both gluten and casein are proteins. Gluten is found in wheat, rye, barley, and most oat products; casein is found in milk products. Some children cannot properly digest these proteins. When gluten and casein foods are consumed, these protein factions get attached to the autistic child’s opiate receptors in the brain. They then interfere with the developing brain of some children and cause autistic behaviors. This happens because these children lack the ability to break down proteins.
Autism walk is a committed effort by parents and volunteers to promote the cause of autism research and treatment. Various autism walks have been organized around the world with parents, children, volunteers, therapists, and group leaders taking part.It is a novel way to spread awareness of the disorder as increasing number of children are being affected by it. From 1970, where one in 10,000 children had autistic disorders, the number of children affected by autism in America has grown to one in 169. It is high time autism is taken seriously. An important step in that direction would be to educate parents in identifying autistic tendencies in the early stages of the child’s growth.
The autism awareness bracelet is another means to promote autism research and awareness. Following in the lines of ace cyslist and cancer survivor Lance Armstrong’s yellow cancer awareness bracelet and the pink breast cancer awareness bracelet, autism awareness bracelets are also now gaining popularity. The proceeds from the sale of these bracelets go for autism research and cure.
With so many methods and so much attention being given to autism, autism cure is bound to improve in the coming years. Hardwork and commitment on our part to this cause will certainly benefit the future generations.

Does a Child See What You See?

Does a Child See What You See?

Joey Knight was puzzled. What did his parents mean by color? Green shirt, red shirt, brown shirt, gray shirt. Huh? They all looked pretty much the same to him. He figured his parents were just smarter than he was.
Approximately 1:12 males and 1:200 females has some degree of color vision deficiency or colorblindness.
Pre-school books, puzzles, games and other toys are colored intensely enough that most children can tell the colors apart, although they may not look the same to the child with CVD as they do to most people. However, two percent of the male population (and a rare female) cannot see red or green at all, and they confuse other colors as well. These children may not catch on easily to pre-school games that are based on color. They may also resist playing with puzzles that rely as much on color as on shape. They may not be as enthralled with crayons as are most children. They’d just as soon draw with a fat pencil. They may not see optical illusions that are easy for other children to see. These children who are severely affected by CVD see all the reds, oranges, yellows and greens as one color and all the blues, violets and purples as another.
Children who are mildly or moderately affected with CVD may have difficulty matching light shades of colors, especially red (or pink) and green. They often confuse these colors with other colors, such as gray or tan. Those who see red faintly confuse blue and purple because they don’t recognize the red in purple.
From everyday conversation children learn that “grass is green,” “the sky is blue,” etc. To help children with CVD learn color names (but not always recognize the color itself), parents can label objects in their homes, like a picture of a “Bear” for a brown couch or a “Fire Engine” for red drapes, or a “Sun“ for a yellow wall (although most children with CVD recognize yellow). Parents can also teach their youngsters the first letter of color names printed on crayons so the children can identify them more easily. They can also encourage pre-school teachers to reinforce this teaching-learning process in the classroom.
It’s important -- for children with and without CVD -- not to point out “mistakes” or to chide children for not naming colors “correctly.” Some children -- and adults -- simply don’t see as many colors as other people do. Also, it’s better for parents to say, “I like that green shirt” rather than ask, “What color is your shirt?”
A mother with a preschooler who had a moderate CVD said her husband had become extremely frustrated with their son because he had tried to teach the boy color names. No wonder the boy couldn’t learn color names. Some colors, especially lighter shades, looked identical to him.
Another mother with a son with CVD said she thought her son had a language problem. “I thought he wasn’t understanding the words,” she said, when he couldn’t tell color names.
CVD is known as a sex-linked recessive disorder. It is carried on the X chromosome. A male has an X and a Y chromosome, and a female has two X chromosomes. When a male inherits an affected X, he will have CVD because, unlike a female, he doesn’t have an unaffected X to dominate the affected X. Because a male always passes his Y chromosome to his sons, he does not pass CVD to his sons; he does, however, pass his X to his daughters who are then “carriers.” A carrier typically doesn’t show symptoms of CVD, but has a 50 percent chance of passing her affected X on to each of her children. The females who inherit the X will, like their mothers, be carriers; the males who inherit the affected X will, like their maternal grandfathers, have CVD.
If you have a concern about your child’s color vision, consult an eye care specialist. Specialists generally have color vision tests for pre-school children. Your local school nurse can usually test children as young as four easily and quickly using special books that utilize an affected person’s confusion of red and green with gray.
Best of all, a child need not realize that he “failed” the test. He can simply be told how well he did. Parents can speak with the examiner beforehand to be sure this happens. “Your eyes are fine. You just don’t see as many colors as most people,“ is one explanation. The child can be told he’s like his (maternal) Grandpa or perhaps a (maternal) uncle. Usually, the type of the CVD as well as its degree -- whether it’s mild, moderate or severe -- runs in families. The child observes that the older family member has coped well with his CVD. There’s no need in the pre-school years to delve into occupations that require accurate color vision.
The child with a severe CVD might realize that in some instances he can actually “see” things that others have difficulty seeing. For instance, some animals are camouflaged -- chameleons, for instance. Their color changes according to their surroundings. A child with typical color vision might not see a chameleon as readily as a child with severely reduced color vision. A child with severe CVD is not confused by color and pays more attention to form, shape and movement.
A delightful book that explores feelings associated with colors is Mary Le Duc’s Hailstones and Halibut Bones. This book can be enjoyed by parents and children regardless of their color vision.

Nature versus Nurture

Nature versus Nurture

The nature vs. nurture debate is one of the biggest debated issues in the child development theory. Which has more bearing on a child’s development, environment or genetics? This debate is “of the degree to which environment and heredity influences behavior” (Feldman, 2003) and whether “a child’s development is governed by a pattern built in at birth”, which is Nature, or whether it is shaped by experiences after birth”, defined as Nurture (Bee, 2000). No theorist has quite yet determined which of the two define a person’s actual behavior style, their have been many disputes whether one theory has the most influence, but no actual determination of the best theory. The Nature vs. Nurture debate has brought most theorists, researchers and teachers, to ask, "Why are people the way they are?" We wonder: Were we born that way? Were we injured by someone or something? Is it cultural? Did our parents raise us that way?” (Thurber, 2003).
Nurture theorist feel that children learn as they grow and develop their personalities based on what they have learned throughout their life or the environment that they were raised in. It is impossible for one to grow up and not be influenced by their environment. “Recent behavioral genetic research has shown that genetic propensities are associated with individual differences in experiences and thus, what may appear to be environmental effects can reflect genetic influence” (Gilger, 2001). Advocates of the Nurture theory feel that learning is a step by step process that is acquired though out a child’s life. Psychologist Robert Feldman (2000) explains, “Environmental factors play a critical role in enabling people to reach the potential capabilities that their genetic background makes possible. Had Albert Einstein received no intellectual stimulation as a child and not been sent to school. It is unlikely that he would have reached his genetic potential” (Feldman, 2000). Nurture is the basis for figuring out the question of why we become who we are.
The importance of one’s environment is recognized as early as the gestational stages of life. Pregnant women are advised to use caution while they are expecting because of the idea that the intrauterine environment can affect the unborn child positively or adversely. Pregnant woman have to make sure they receive proper nutrition, exercise carefully, and not smoke or use drugs. These are precautions that are taken in order to control the environmental impact on the fetus. Environment affects our behavior even in the early stages of our lives (Feldman, 2000).
While many parents would like to believe that the type of environment that they create for their children will determine what type of person their child will grow up to be, many behavior psychologists would disagree. Since the late 1800’s scientists have been perplexed by this issue and have conducted studies on siblings, identical twins and fraternal twins in efforts to determine which factor has the most bearing on the molding of a child’s brain. Studies have consistently shown that as much as 50 percent of all temperamental and behavioral tendencies are determined by genetics (Glass, 1999). These traits include extroversion, agreeableness, neuroticism, conscientiousness and openness to experience. IQ studies show the most genetic influence of 80 percent (Glass, 1999).
Studies of twins separated at birth and raised in different environments show that the twins still end up more alike than many would predict supporting the argument that genetics play a large role in personality development (Glass, 1999). Most behavioral scientists will admit that all behavioral traits are partly heritable (Pinker, 2003). Twin studies have also revealed differences in twins reared in the same environment. One twin may be shy, while the other is extroverted. This finding shows that genes are not everything and that there are other factors that determine one’s personality that can not be explained by family environment (Pinker, 2003). Some scientists feel that the other factor that influences a child’s behavior is the unique environment that children create for themselves (McEluwe, 2003). The unique environment includes the peer groups that children seek out. For example, smart children will seek out the brainy group while aggressive children will seek out the punks. However, some scientists will say that the decisions a child makes in determining their unique environment are also determined by their genetic makeup, strengthening the argument of Nature being the prevailing influence on personality makeup (McEluwe, 2003).
Although behavioral scientists have determined that genetics play a large role in personality development, they have yet to determine how genes interact to determine a particular personality trait. What scientists have found is that there does not appear to be a single gene for a particular trait, but that genes show their effects by working together in complex combinations (Pinker, 2003). For example, there is no single gene for musical talent. Whether a child will be musically inclined will be determined by the way that child’s genes interact with one another. Some parents would like to believe that by creating an environment rich in music while the child is young will develop the child’s talent towards music. However, despite assumptions like this, there is no evidence that shows long term effects of growing up in a particular environment (Pinker, 2003).
Whichever side of the nature vs. nurture debate one favors, one can not entirely exclude one side over the other. Research has shown evidence that both a child’s genetics and environment will have some influence on that child’s personality development. This debate is not new. Philosophers have explored both sides of the debate for centuries. Recent studies show that many traits are heritable, however the question of whether genetics or environment have the most bearing on a child’s development still perplexes theorists. There is also the question of how many heritable traits remain dormant due to a child’s environment. Although there are convincing arguments for the importance of each factor, it must be recognized that both environment and genetics will ultimately have some bearing on a child’s development. As adults responsible for our youth we must take whatever measures we can to ensure that our children are given the best possible environment to cultivate their young minds to their highest potential.

Autism: Is There A Cure In Sight?

Autism: Is There A Cure In Sight?

Autism: What causes it, and can it be cured?
Autism is a disorder that is affecting more and more children. But many autistic children have been able to lead normal lives.
Autism is a developmental disorder that appears in the early stages of development of a child, mostly in the first three years of development. It is a neurological disorder that affects the proper functioning of the brain and affects the development of the social and communication skills of the individual.
Early diagnosis of autism is most important for the treatment of this disorder. However, there is no blood or medical test available which will help in the diagnosis of autism. Generally, it is delay in the development of language skills or lack of appropriate social development that causes parents or teachers to seek a medical evaluation. There are no racial or ethnic specifications for the occurrence of this disorder, although boys are three or four times more likely to have autism.
Autism is seen to affect each individual in different levels and so is considered a spectrum disorder. Generally, autism is seen to affect the verbal and non-verbal communication skills, leisure activities, and the all-round social interactions of the individual.
There is no standard treatment for the cure of autism. Different medical professionals have different philosophies and practices for treating autistic individuals. The results of the treatment of autism will also vary from individual to individual. However, autism cannot be completely cured; there can only be improvements in the abilities of the autistic person. Autistic children are seen to benefit greatly from treatment approaches that include special education and behavioral management.
An important strategy in the treatment of autism is to keep the diet of the autistic children gluten- and casein-free. A gluten- and casein-free autism diet is seen to produce a marked level of improvement in autistic children. This is because in their body system there is incomplete breakdown of the peptides in the food substances containing gluten and casein. This leads to an increased absorption of peptides causing disruption in the biochemical and neuroregulatory processes in the brain. Adding vitamin B6 and B12 to the diet is beneficial to the treatment of autism as it improves digestion, symptoms of allergy, and sociability in children.
Despite one child in every thousand being affected by this illness, the awareness and the number of support groups for this illness is negligible. Efforts are being undertaken to create an increased awareness and to generate funds to support research and treatment of autism.
Autism awareness bracelets and ribbons help spread awareness about this disorder. The sale of these bracelets supports many autism research foundations and also provides financial assistance to many parents with autistic children.
‘Autism walk’ is another novel fundraising effort for the support of those suffering from autism. The money generated from registration of the ‘Autism walk’ events is used to provide financial support to the parents of autistic children, or to establish support groups to facilitate their treatment.

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Monday, November 28, 2005

Painting Mediums

Paint and paintings materials differ depending up on the place where it is to be painted whether it is an interior painting or exterior. Interior paintings basically use materials such as oil paint, water colors, wooden board, fabric etc where as exterior paintings involves using water resistant base and mediums.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Water -Filters:

Filters are the devices that help to remove impurities from water by means of a physical separators or chemical instruments. Filters cleanse water for irrigation, drinking water, aquariums and swimming pools. They can also be bought in the shops for domestic purpose. Two major brands are PUR and Brita. These filters take away the impure contents from the water. The presence of such impure contents may cause diseases like cancer, jaundice etc and things that taste or smell bad. The composition of filters is based solely on sieving, ion exchanges and other processes.

Types of Water Filters
UV Filters:
UV Filters have the ability of killing the majority of bacteria and viruses present in the water and one, which passes through them. Chemical pollutants will not be removed from the water with UV filters. The treatment is not efficient beyond the area of treatment, so water should be used as immediate as possible after it is treated.

Sand Filters:
Sand based water filters are generally used for more than hundred years for wastewater treatment. These filters are used on a larger scale to treat a water supply for a whole community, and they are custom made. Normally any apparatus needs a constant flow of water to work properly, and hence they cannot be used for well water treatment. Recently a Canadian scientist, David Manz developed an intermittent unit. You can buy pre-built units for domestic use, which are generally used in swimming pool pumps.

Charcoal Water Filters
These are generally from coconut husk as a filter medium. This generally takes in impurities as the water passes through. This form of filter comprises possibly 95% of those in use domestically, because they are very easy to install, they are comparatively cheaper, and filter out the dreadful contaminants, Cryptosporidium and Giardia. An average charcoal filter will last a family 6-9 months. They are also enhanced by the use of activated silver, which provides extra antibacterial power of filtering. Minerals in solution can still enrich a charcoal filter. Such Minerals improvise health.

Reverse Osmosis Water Filters

They make use of a semi-permeable membrane to filter through osmotic process. They take all the impurities out of the water, leaving it pure that is stated in Usually installed under-sink, it needs a person to come every few months to install a new membrane.

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Tuesday, September 20, 2005


An internet is a more general term informally used to describe any set of interconnected computer networks that are connected by internetworking.
The Internet, or simply the Net, is the publicly accessible worldwide system of interconnected computer networks that transmit data by packet switching using a standardized Internet Protocol (IP) and many other protocols. It is made up of thousands of smaller commercial, academic, domestic and government networks. It carries various information and services, such as electronic mail, online chat and the interlinked web pages and other documents of the World Wide Web.
Creation of the InternetDuring the 1950s, communications researchers realized that there was a need to allow general communication between users of various computers and communications networks. This led to research into decentralized networks, queuing theory, and packet switching. The development of ARPANET in the United States would lead to technical developments that made it the center point for the development of the Internet.
The first TCP/IP wide area network was operational in 1984 when the National Science Foundation's (NSF) constructed a university network backbone that would later become the NSFNet. It was then followed by the opening of the network to commercial interests in 1995. Important seperate networks that have successfully entered the Internet include Usenet, Bitnet and the various commercial and educational X.25 networks such as Compuserve and JANET.
The collective network gained a public face in the 1990s. In August 1991 Tim Berners-Lee publicized his new World Wide Web project, two years after he had begun creating HTML, HTTP and the first few web pages at CERN in Switzerland. In 1993 the Mosaic web browser version 1.0 was released, and by late 1994 there was growing public interest in the previously academic/technical Internet. By 1996 the word "Internet" was common public currency, but it referred almost entirely to the World Wide Web.
Meanwhile, over the course of the decade, the Internet successfully accommodated the majority of previously existing public computer networks (although some networks such as FidoNet have remained separate). This growth is often attributed to the lack of central administration, which allows organic growth of the network, as well as the non-proprietary nature of the Internet protocols, which encourages vendor interoperability and prevents any one company from exerting too much control over the network.
Today's Internet Apart from the incredibly complex physical connections that make up its infrastructure, the Internet is held together by bi- or multi-lateral commercial contracts (for example peering agreements) and by technical specifications or protocols that describe how to exchange data over the network.
Unlike older communications systems, the Internet protocol suite was deliberately designed to be independent of the underlying physical medium. Any communications network, wired or wireless, that can carry two-way digital data can carry Internet traffic. Thus, Internet packets flow through wired networks like copper wire, coaxial cable, and fiber optic; and through wireless networks like Wi-Fi. Together, all these networks, sharing the same high-level protocols, form the Internet.
The Internet protocols originate from discussions within the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and its working groups, which are open to public participation and review. These committees produce documents that are known as Request for Comments documents (RFCs). Some RFCs are raised to the status of Internet Standard by the Internet Architecture Board (IAB).
Some of the most used protocols in the Internet protocol suite are IP, TCP, UDP, DNS, PPP, SLIP, ICMP, POP3, IMAP, SMTP, HTTP, HTTPS, SSH, Telnet, FTP, LDAP, SSL, and TLS.
Some of the popular services on the Internet that make use of these protocols are e-mail, Usenet newsgroups, file sharing, Instant Messenger, the World Wide Web, Gopher, session access, WAIS, finger, IRC, MUDs, and MUSHs. Of these, e-mail and the World Wide Web are clearly the most used, and many other services are built upon them, such as mailing lists and web logs. The Internet makes it possible to provide real-time services such as Internet radio and webcasts that can be accessed from anywhere in the world.
Some other popular services of the Internet were not created this way, but were originally based on proprietary systems. These include IRC, ICQ, AIM, and Gnutella.
There have been many analyses of the Internet and its structure. For example, it has been determined that the Internet IP routing structure and hypertext links of the World Wide Web are examples of scale-free networks.
Similar to how the commercial Internet providers connect via Internet exchange points, research networks tend to interconnect into large subnetworks such as:
GEANT Internet2 GLORIAD These in turn are built around relatively smaller networks. See also the list of academic computer network organizations
In network schematic diagrams, the Internet is often represented by a cloud symbol, into and out of which network communications can pass.

Friday, September 16, 2005


The line containing the magic number 22.5 makes sure that if I have a small bearingDelta to the oldestEnemy I go shortly past it and if the bearingDelta is large I go at least 22.5 degrees past it. This magic number was explained in that article I mentioned above as being half the distance the radar travels in one tick. It works, so I have accepted it. =) In the beginning of each round (id est; in the beginning of the run() method, before the while (true) loop) I register a RadarTurnCompleteCondition custom event which executes the following code: double sweepTurn = school.getRadarSweepTurn(radarDirection);setTurnRadarRight(sweepTurn);radarDirection = Math.sign(sweepTurn);
"school" being the school of Enemies. If you're even considering competing in Melee battles I guess you'll eventually end up with a collection like that anyway. This radar management works quite OK in Melee battle as far as I can judge and it isn't all that bad in OneOnOne battle either. Though you might want to experiment with drastically shrinking that magic number 22.5 when you have only one enemy. Marshmallow doesn't do that. It uses a completely different, and even simpler, management of the radar in OneOnOne situations.


You can access the radar by zooming in on the charting table or Ye known world map while at sea. Astute pillagers will note it is easiest to find target brigands or players by watching the radar from the crow's nest (using the Ye known world map). Once you have found a target, close the map screen and attempt to engage the ship from the crow's nest.

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Is Wiki under your radar?: "Blogs are not the only collaboration game in town, though. Recently, I decided to bone up on the concept of the Wiki, a collaborative environment that is gaining traction in corporations. In fact, your employees might already be Wiki-ing without your knowledge. Despite its whimsical name, the underhyped Wiki concept could become one of the more useful and easy-to-implement tools in your IT management arsenal."
Comment: Wikis are currently the tool I'm most excited about for sharing knowledge. Blogs are typically one person, one way...wikis are many people, many ways. Wikis are the most effective "knowledge garden" tool I've come across. I'm currently using wikis in several courses as a learner. They are excellent tools for collaboration, learning, and knowledge sharing. Blogs have certain limitations and appeal to people who are comfortable standing alone and voicing their thoughts (the two biggest resistance points for potential bloggers: 1. I don't have time, 2. I don't want everyone reading my work). Wikis appeal to a much larger the finished product is more group-based.


what does all this mean to domainers? It means that there is good news and bad news. The good news is that wiki domains are not nearly in demand as blog domains yet. However, the bad news is that wiki is not totally undiscovered either. There are still some nice word combos available but forget about buying "wiki" or wikis" in any halfway decent extension. Also, forget about registering the next because both and are already taken. Although not completely accurate due to being a part of a few unrelated words, typing in "wiki" at Whois Source will yield over 1500 names that are or were taken while "blog" will yield at least 24,000 names. Like I said, that is not completely accurate but it gives you some idea of how popular blog domains are compared to wiki domains.
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Basically, a wiki is a completely interactive website where visitors of a common interest can help shape a website together. This type of interactivity should find a great home in both business and education. With a wiki, students can work together on school assignments and companies can work on projects together as one. Wikis would also work well with online clubs, clans, or any closely knit community. For example, one wiki has built an entire encyclopedia at Wikipedia and it's still going strong. The possibilities are huge for wiki, but there is one obvious pitfall that cannot be ignored. Simply put, complete interactivity can be bad if just one jerk comes along and destroys every thing a group has worked on. Due to this, some wikis do not permit anonymous edits and are known as fishbowls. I also noticed that completely open wikis log your IP whenever you make an edit.

Monday, January 17, 2005

Introduction to Ggradebook

Ggradebook is the fully-featured GNU gradebook; an application for tracking student grades for teachers. It uses GTK+ and can optionally be compiled to use GNOME. The author of Ggradebook is Norbert de Jonge and the current maintainer is Jaime Villate

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Why It's Impossible To Fail At Love

So many relationships start out wonderfully, and then, before the partners know it, they're wondering where the love has gone. They think that, they've failed at love. However, when you know the simple laws of love and how to practice them, it's impossible to fail at love. You then can build a relationship that will weather any storm.So many times relationships start out wonderfully. Both partners are thrilled, feeling they’ve finally found, “the one”. Then as time passes, before they know it, they begin to wonder where has the love gone? Many feel lost when this happens. They do not know what went wrong, how to correct misunderstandings or what steps need to be taken to make things right again.
It seems to many that love is a mystery. When one relationship ends, they fear they may not find someone new, or be able to love again. Or, even when they are trying as hard as they can, often unexpected obstacles arise in the relationship that cannot be overcome. Tremendous amounts of time, energy and emotion are wasted pondering this situation. In some cases, entire lives are de-railed. None of this is necessary.
Stop a moment and think about it. You would never try to build a building without first getting an architect’s plan. Without a strong foundation, any passing storm would easily knock the building down. The same is true of relationships.
So many jump into relationships wanting to fly to the heights without having any understanding at all of how to build a relationship with a foundation that will allow their love to stand tall and strong. They mistake all kinds of emotions, needs and fantasies for love.
However, just as an architect knows and respects the laws of gravity, we too must know and work with the basic laws of love. These laws operate unfailingly. They are the cornerstone of all relationships and guidelines for the human heart. Once we learn and apply the basic laws of love, it is truly impossible to fail at love. No matter what happens.
Unfortunately, rather than learn these simple laws, most have absorbed many myths and fantasies. They then suffer greatly when their dreams do not come to pass and either blame themselves and others. However, it is extremely important to realize that the only thing that causes hurt, loss, or distress in relationships are the fantasies we hold onto. Once we replace these fantasies with the simple laws of love, a whole new world opens. Confusion is cleared up and we naturally see the right steps to take.
To begin with, let us discover a couple of laws of love and then learn more about them.
Law #1: It is impossible to fail at love.
No one is a failure in love. Our mistakes, losses, confusion and mishaps do not arise because of love. They arise simply out of our ignorance of who we are and what love truly is. We then feel we don’t know where love is hiding or how to act to get and keep it. So, of course, we’ll try anything.
All of this can be easily corrected. To begin we need to realize that if we have pain, suffering and upset relationships, none of it is caused by love. Once we learn what love is and how to practice it, we simply cannot fall down again.
Law #2: There’s a difference between real and counterfeit love.
Most have trouble in love because they do not know the difference between real and counterfeit love. Like a mirage in a desert, counterfeit love cannot quench your thirst. Counterfeit love is the illusion of love, and this illusion confuses us in many ways. In order to know what real love is, we must know what it is not:
Love is not feeling excited, infatuated, dependent, possessive or attached. If we have strong feelings for a person and feel very sad when they go away, this is dependency, not love. If we think about a person all the time, it’s not necessarily love, it could be obsession. If we think the person is the answer to our dreams and will finally make us happy, this is idealization.
Real love is beyond all this. It is a verb and it grows through time, deeds and understanding. Love does not bring unhappiness, it brings fulfillment, healing, kindness, warmth and inspiration. When you know what real love is, and how to make it grow, it becomes impossible to fail at love. You then will know how to build relationships that are based on a strong foundation, that allow you to become all you were meant to be, relationships that can never fall apart.

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